Wistim Application pour Médecin Spécialiste de la Fertilité

Support for Doctors

Our digital products support faster admin and easier communication for more satisfied patients.

Your problems, our solutions

Doctor Solution for Assisted Reproductive Technology follow-up

Accessible anywhere

Connect to WiStim on any device with internet access. View patient data from your practice and fertility centre. All health data and correspondence is stored on a secure server approved by the Ministry of Health.

ART Follow-up: Doctor Solution

Shareable document folders

Store test results in your ‘folder’. Reports can be sent to your patients through a secure server approved by the Ministry of Health.

Fertility Specialist Doctor: Wistim ART Follow-up


WiStim saves you time. Receive the dates of your patient’s last period directly from the connected diary. View your appointments with just one click.

Assisted Reproductive Technology Follow-up: Fertility Specialist Doctor

Reassurance for patients

Provide a caring environment for patients with WiStim's daily support features. Prescriptions, appointments and messages are sent straight to your patients. View real-time updates on your patient’s treatment.

They trust us

Over 100,000 women chose WiStim on their fertility journey

Over 600 fertility healthcare professionals use WiStim

Rated 4.5/5 by our clients

Our partner laboratories

Better patient care

Connect to patients with cutting-edge technology.

With WiStim, patients can register and download their test results with ease, while they receive notifications and instructions directly from their doctor.

Benefits for patients

  • Centralises information
  • Helps the process run smoothly
  • Reduces stress

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